
All of the items on this page can help with developing more inclusive Accommodations for your team members.  Please feel free to check back often to find out new and innovative support solutions. If there is something you can’t find and you think we can help, please reach out to

SHRM Foundatin What is a Disibility

SHRM Foundation: What is a Disability

This is a “one-sheet” piece of promo with the basic definition of Disability and the direction of how to see people with disabilities in the workforce.

Accommodation Ideas

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Accommodation Ideas

JAN receives numerous accommodation questions related to individuals with mental health conditions working successfully, this document provides the basis for accommodation ideas.

Developing an Accessible Workplace

SHRM’s Developing and Accessible Workplace

This doc supplies links to information and resources for developing an accessible workplace and complying with the ADA.

How to Handle and Employees' Request for and ADA Accommodation, from the SHRM Website

How to Handle and Employees' Request for and ADA Accommodation, from the SHRM Website

This is the first and best resource that focuses on the various steps involved when handling a request for accommodation from a current employee against the requirements outlined in the ADA.

Earn's 4 A's Awareness, Accommodations, Assistance, and Access

Earn's Checklist for Mentally Healthy Workplaces

Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace: The 4 A’s Checklist EARN has distilled leading mental wellness practices into four pillars, also known as the “4 A’s”: Awareness, Accommodations, Assistance, and Access. Although this checklist is not exhaustive, it includes strategies that can lead to greater mental wellness at work.

SHRM Mental Health Field Guide

This guide is meant to help HR professionals assess your unique needs, opportunities, and first steps in developing a mental health strategy for your workplace.

survey resources

Accommodate in Place Survey Slides

This is the slide deck used to promote the survey and provide the larger context for the initiative and the current climate of work.

Survey Link

Survey Link

This is the imagery and web link for the WI SHRM and St. Norbert College Wisconsin Climate Survey.

Keep Calm and Push On

Promotional Magnet Image

The universal access "Man-in-Motion" symbol leads the motivational message for HR folks to Keep Calm and Push On, with our efforts to help.

Americans with Disabilities and Reasonable Accommodation in Employment

Americans with Disabilities and Reasonable Accommodation in Employment

This doc was produced by Bob Gregg, from Boardman & Clark Law Firm, and is devoted to disability and reasonable accommodation after a person in employed.

Workplace Benefits for Caregivers

SHRM Supporting Employees with Caregiving Responsibilities

Employers can support—and retain—workers by providing benefits to those caring for aging relatives or children with special needs.

5 Common Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

5 Common Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace

This is SHRM doc that helps to identify employees that are who are experiencing mental health challenges.

OHSA Workplace Mental Health Doc

OSHA Mental Health Poster

This doc has information about workplace mental health and how stress and traumatic events impact people's mental health.

HR Hero Story Supporting Mental Health

Please read this extended HR Hero Story to be inspired by how an HR professional helped in the mental health space with an employee.

Mental Health Discrimination and Protections at Work Parts 1 & 2

Mental Health Discrimination and Protections at Work: Parts 1 & 2

This two-part article addresses issues relating to individuals with mental health disabilities in the workplace and best practices for recruiting, hiring and retaining individuals with disabilities. It provides guidance on employing people with psychiatric disabilities and describes key legal requirements for employers, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Family and Medical Leave Act.